Sunday, August 18, 2024

Hostile Rpg Session - Hide & Seek - Session Report

 During tonight's Hostile game the players were playing Crew Expendable PC's including an 'air marshal' PC who was aboard as they were delivering ammo to Tau Ceti for the American corporation's forces. They were aboard the USS Franklin a Harbinger frieghter undercutting the competition. 

They were bringing back exo specimens for examination as the planet enters it's hot period. Warfare and battles also escalate during these periods as well. Things on Tau Ceti have been heating up over the past few months as tensions between East & Western corporate forces have intensified along the older battle lines. 

We've seen this play out as cartel forces are no longer there to keep a sorta of cease fire where they can make money from illict trade in the lower delta valley trails. We were landing at the American base/warehouse district and everything seemed to be five by five. The Franklin came in heavy & we started unloading immediately 

The fire came in immeditely & we knew it had to be Chinese agents! We had side arms because we were in a warzone. We had gotten over 70% of the exo specimens aboard including our must have special cargos. We cut way back on the prelaunch & got the Hell outta of there!We were carrying extra weight & that meant that we had a Chinese agent aboard! 
Now began the fun! As we had just refueled and were preparing for our next stop. We opened our guest's section of the ship & with some great rolls he was sucked into the Tau Ceti atmosphere or so we thought. 

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