Wednesday, August 21, 2024

OSR Commentary - Cannibal Scavenger Fleets & Trey Causey's Strange Stars - Session Report


Chris Floss artwork used without permission 

During tonight's Stars Without Numbers game centered around Trey Causey's Strange Stars campaign setting things got really nasty really fast. This blog post picks up from a few days ago on the blog here. 
Alright so the PC's got it in thier heads that they wanted to seek out a Scavenger Fleet & trade ancient parts and pre Scream artifacts with them. 
After some very good cyberspace rolls the player's cybersneaks were able to catch a deep interstellar scavenger fleet not too far from thier location. A jump into the hyperspacial gateway and a trip to an old system netted them an ancient looking scavenger fleet. They communicated and were able to make a parley. What they got wasn't what they were expecting when they encountered Cabilan mercenaries! 

The Cabilan were open to trade as long as they got to choose the crew member to be eaten for supper. They had not had any real non artificial humanoid meat in many months! The PC's were horrified but were able to trade some rare Earth cow meat for three minor artifacts! The Caliban were not completely satisfied and began to shadow the PC's space hauler! The PC's also noticed a sleeper ship among the fleet full of Caliban mercenary soldiers! 
The PC's took the space hauler into silent mode hiding in the shadow of a star until the scavenger fleet had passed or so they hoped! The cybersneaks then hid the star hauler's transponder signal and they quietly made thier way to the jump gate. The party wanted to get anywhere but this system. The problem is that the Caliban mercenaries are now aware of the party. 
The party dove randomly through the hyperspacial gatway & ended up coming face to face with a fleet of Gypsy ships. Randomly put together space junk that had become starships by clans of travelling Magi. 

The Magi were open for business and trade! So the player's began to trade some of the minor cargo finds that they had and found a spare hyperdrive. They trade food stuffs and some extra fuel that they had. The Magi insisted that they stay for a feast. The party's cybersneaks were looking deep into hyperspace to see if the Caliban mercenaries scavenger fleet were following. They had looked over the artifacts for any tracking devices. This is where we ended for now. 

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