Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hostile Rpg Session - Hide & Seek - Session Report II

 Tonight's Hostile game was a 'cat & mouse' operation between the crew and the Chinese agent from Tau Ceti who was much more then he appeared to be. The crew blew an air lock near space onto thier next port of call on Tau Ceti. This guy wasn't at all what he appeared to be. The crew were operating &  aboard the USS Franklin a Harbinger frieghter undercutting the competition. This game session picks right up where we left off last session here. 

The crew knew we had an agent on board who wanted to get to the next port of call. His weight gave the crew everything they needed to know because the guy was a full conversion borg. While rare they were not unheard of on Tau Ceti. The war had been intensifying along the old boarders. And Chinese were getting desparate. At any rate last game we'd taken some fire after landing were leaving fast! 

We had no idea of this guy's cababilities & we weren't taking any chances. Everyone suited up and we made checks to make sure the cargoes both alive and otherwise were secure. And then we went high into the upper atmosphere of Tau Ceti. And opened the entire ship to vaccuum. That's right we weren't taking any chances with this bastard! 
Our sky marshal saw this guy crawling across the floor space in our cargo hold. Without a second though he shot the guy with three shots and then a small grenade that blew the bastard out! The resulting explosion rocked the ship. With a series of great rolls our pilot kept control of the Franklin! 
The Chinese cyborg agent was carrying a rather large bomb on him! If we hadn't found it. He would have blown himself and our ship up! Checks were done and we continued on our way to our next drop zone. 

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