Monday, August 12, 2024

Campaign Update, Colonial Troopers Rpg, Night Owl Workshp, Session Report, The Red Room - The Stars Are On Fire

  " The stars are on fire with war! There are rich alien races bank rolling Earth's armies to act as soldiers in an ever increasing corporate war! "

So I've been rereading Colonial Troopers & this blog entry is going to pick right up from here & combining it with Orbital Decay. Orbital Decay shares several elements with Colonial Troopers. There are several other things that I want to drop into this campaign: 

  1. Machinvores are selectively feeding humanity bits and pieces of biotechnological technology. This includes bio boasted clone soldiers in addition to power armor.
  2. Power armor is the great equalizer for turning ordinary humans into super soldiers. 
  3. Humanity is coming face to face with other races that have been in Black a lot longer. The johnny come latelies are humanity to the intergalatic scene. 

    In Colonial Troopers PC's can choose between classes such as agent, hunter, diplomat, mercenary, trooper, and pilot as well mixing classes with the usual OD&D penalties. Races include Rackni (K’tk^nit’m~on) are alien biological adapting spideroids ,Humans, Lur (Clodhoppers) are giant eight legged vaguely reptilian aliens ,Zassarians (Skinnies, or Scalies) alien thin reptilian humanoids,Synthetic (Syntiacs)(self contained androids created by joint alien/human technologies) & Zealots are an ideology as much as a mixed factional race if you will.
    This gives a much more fractured intergalatic picture where humanity is just starting to see the depths of the stellar scene. Those depths are highly unsettled & the Machinvores are a very minor race whose true interests lay with the Beyond.
    In our campaign The Asian Coalition's Bejing colony & India's Shiva colony are both in the Orrt cloud. These haven't been heard from in a very long time and though in the last campaign we left trained veterans. There hasn't been a whole lot of communication with the Earth Federation. 
    The Orrt Cloud is known to be home for several very aggressive alien species many of which have ties to the Beyond's forces. There are at least two major incursions that have happened in the Cloud. 
    There's a decent number of resources that the Earth Federation has tapped into and shipped back home. 
    The question is if it's economically viable for the corporations to bankroll a strike upon thier old colonies or to use mercenary forces to retake those assets. 
    These assets include colonies, ore processsing facilities, space craft mainteniance hangers, colonial caches for up coming settlements and more. 

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