Thursday, August 8, 2024

Classic Dragon Magazine Issue #112 Ares Magazine section Dire Invasion By William Tracy & 2024 Campaign Update

Last night I began to delve into some of my old school resources including a Marvel Super Heroes rpg campaign that never came about. Let me explain, when I was a young comic book fan it was all about Rom The Space Knight. Rom appeared in the midst of my middle school years & his origin goes back to the U.K.. Here it is in a nutshell;" The peaceful planet known as Galador was threatened by a fleet of ships manned by shape-changing aliens known as Dire Wraiths. Galador's ruler, the Prime Director, calls for volunteers to be transformed into cyborg warriors called ' Spaceknights'. Afterwords, they can defend the planet from the invaders." There's a great Rom entry on Comic Vine here. 

Back in Dragon magazine issue#112 from 1989 there was a Space Knight/Dire Wraith article called Dire Invasion by William Tracy from the Ares section. This article set off a campaign arch where we introduced the space knights to our game with ultimately we had two space knight PC's. These PC's were the advanced guard who were waiting for the oncoming Dire Wraith invasion. These space knight PC's were stocking weapons & personel including recruiting Transformers to thier cause for the oncoming invasion. There were crossover between the Space Knights & the Transformers because of the Dire Wraiths. 
That invasion never came. We had two of our main players & DM's move across town. While not crippling it put a kink into scheduling plans for our on going campaign back in '89. Recently our own players were using the Marvel Super Heroes Rpg:The Unofficial Canon project's The Marvel Phile's Annual#2 The Nova Corps to create a new Nova Corps PC.Our own Nova Corps PC has mentioned his own origin tied to of all things the Dire Wraiths in 2024. So is there a new invasion on the horizon? 
So I'm thinking of dusting off my Dire Invasion notes & updating them for 2025-2026 for a Dire Wraith one two punch return adventure & pre invasion.  

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