Saturday, August 10, 2024

Review & Commentary On FTL Supplement 2: Spacecraft Go! By Robert Garitta For The Faster Then Light Nomad 2d6 Rpg

 Starships riding fire across the sky…

Believe it.

In Faster Than Light: Nomad, starships, and system ships use rockets. These rockets make present day chemical rockets look quite anemic. However, they still obey the Laws of Motion. You fire an exhaust out the back to move your spacecraft forward. Flip the craft and repeat to slow down. You need propellant to make a spacecraft go. You can only carry so much, and the mass of all equipment must be considered. The more your ship masses, the more propellant it needs, and that propellant has mass as well!

There is an irony here. Einstein, who is regarded as Newton’s successor, established the light-speed barrier. Faster than light drives in science fiction (and games like FTL: Nomad!) get around this. In FTL: Nomad, However, Old Man Newton’s Laws of Motion are still in effect. Space is hard!

"Reactionless drives also present problems. A rocket has a top speed defined by its drive and the amount of propellant it carries. A reactionless drive will keep accelerating as long as it has power. This presents such problems as a light speed drive by, or bombarding planets with small craft moving near the speed of light."

 FTL Supplement 2: Spacecraft Go! By Robert Garitta is a packed fifty three page space craft supplement that allows the DM to build thier own custom spacecraft for the FTL Nomade rules from Stellagamma Publishing. Here are all of the rules, customazations, drives, hulls, etc. that allow the player & DM to create thier own custom space craft for the FTL Nomad rules. If your really curious about the FTL Nomad rules go download the Faster Than Light: Nomad Quickstart Rules

FTL Supplement 2: Spacecraft Go! By Robert Garitta covers all of the rules, guidelines, and more. Generation is fast, reliable, and this makes FTL Supplement 2 easy to use. The layout is easy on the eyes, the font is solid, and the interior artwork is public domain but fits very nicely to this book. 
This and more makes FTL Supplement 2: Spacecraft Go! a must have for the FTL Nomad DM & player. There's tons of other books that are going to come out for this game but spacecraft are the backbone of a 2d6 game in my opinion. And this one forms the foundational basis for a FTL Nomad campaign. I highly recommend  FTL Supplement 2: Spacecraft Go! 

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