Friday, August 2, 2024

Campaign Take Over - The Red Room's Orbital Decay & Night Owl Workshop's Colonial Troopers Campaign

 The stars are on fire with war! There are rich alien races bank rolling Earth's armies to act as soldiers in an ever increasing corporate war! 

DM Paul has a scheduling conflict and wants me to take over his  Colonial Troopers/Orbital Decay campaign. I want to start modifying this campaign and bring in several adventure elements:

    1. More weird living technologies in day to day life.  
    2. A wide array of clones and bio engineered androids taking over some of the fighting jobs 
    3. Interconnecting adventure elements that hook into other Wretched settings. 
    4. This game picks right up from April of this year's campaign here. 

    The American Federation has been making strides into the outer galaxy. Here's where humanity is finding out that it's the 'johnny come lately' of the interstellar scene. There are far older alien races that have been at each other's throat for a very long time. 
    My PC from last game is going to be an important NPC whose going to be bank rolling his own mercenary unit & starship. He's out to protect his investiment & expand upon the war front investiments. 

    I've got a major update coming from Aviladad but our players are hot to find out what happened to two major colonies that we had to leave behind. The Asian Coalition's Bejing colony & India's Shiva colony are both in the Orrt cloud. There's reason to believe that they are now under alien control. 
    This is one of the leading hooks into the campaign. What has happened to these colonies?! Are the humans still alive or have there been horrid changes that have occured?! 

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