Sunday, August 18, 2024

Retro Review of The Marvel Super Heroes Rpg Advanced Player's Book

 When we're talking about solid rule books the Marvel Super Heroes Advanced Player's Book seldom get's mentioned. This is too bad because it's a great rules book and contains just enough of character generation, rules, guidelines, etc. for the new player or the experienced player to really get into it. This blog entry is going to pick up right from our examination of the Judge's Book on the blog here. 

Wayne's Books has an excellent break down of the '87 and '92 versions of the Marvel Super Heroes Advanced set. What sets apart the Player's Book is the breakdown of the rules. According to Jeremy Grenier's 2006 Amazon review; "Ever since I was 10 or 11 I've been into role-playing games. I've owned many over the years, and think the gaming system introduced by Marvel for their Marvel Super Heroes Role-Playing Game (both Basic and Advanced sets) is by far one of the easiest to learn and run. The rules aren't complex, and the Marvel system is in my opinion the most enjoyable to play."
The Player's Book is a really solid break down of the Marvel Super Heroes Advanced rules and does a fantastic job of breaking down the rpg system. There have been many Marvel rpg's that have come and gone but the Marvel Super Heroes Advanced set remains for me. 

So what makes the Marvel Super Heroes Advanced set the one that I personally return to again and again? It's the fact that this is a robust and solid rpg system from the ground up. From character creation, guidelines, power use, and more all has been distilled down into a complete system. 
It's the complete package that works here for the players and DM overall. The rpg works on the play level and the PC generation level as a simple yet effective d100 system that overall doesn't need to be overhauled per say. 

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