Monday, August 14, 2023

Review & Commentary On The Pay What You Want ' Personalities of the Frontiers of Space' by Joseph Mohr For Cepheus Engine & 2d6 Science Fiction rpg's

 "This is a supplement for use with Cepheus Engine.

"The Frontiers of Space are filled with interesting, and sometimes dangerous personalities: Heroes, Villains, Discoverers, Inventors and many others inhabit these stars. Here is a list of a few of these personalities along with statistics for those who still live. There is a detailed biography of each individual."

" These individuals might well be met by travelers through the Sonora sector aboard passenger liners, in star ports or as patrons. News reports may cover the exploits of these individuals or they might be warning people to be on the lookout for the most dangerous ones."

There are 2 things that DM's can't have enough of one is monsters & the other is NPC's. And  ' Personalities of the Frontiers of Space' by Joseph Mohr is a great resource for NPC's of all kinds of descriptions for 2d6 related games especially Cepheus Engine, Hostile, and the Clement & Earth Sector rpg's. Why?! Because of the care & time the author has created within  ' Personalities of the Frontiers of Space' 
Joseph Mohr does an excellent job of bringing these NPC's to life with background, history, etc. all at the DM's finger tips. Take for example his Nina Esposito: Enigmatic Enchantress;"
Nina Esposito: Enigmatic Enchantress Other A74587 Age 44 4 terms Skills: Brawling-1, Exotic Dancing-3, Prostitution-2 Armed with a well hidden body pistol. 

"Background: Nina's story begins on the captivating pleasure planet of Tronxa, a world renowned for its opulent entertainment and luxurious indulgences. Born into a lineage of performers and artists, Nina was destined for a life of captivating grace and alluring charm. Tronxa's vibrant and permissive culture shaped her into an exotic dancer whose performances transcended mere entertainment, leaving a lasting imprint on those fortunate enough to witness her art. Early Life and Training: From a young age, Nina was immersed in the world of dance and performance. Her parents, both esteemed dancers themselves, recognized her innate talent for movement and expression. Under their guidance, she received rigorous training in a variety of dance forms, from traditional to avant-garde. This diverse foundation allowed Nina to develop a unique style that seamlessly blended the elegance of classic dance with the captivating sensuality that Tronxa was known for. The Stage Debut: Nina's debut performance on one of Tronxa's most opulent stages marked the beginning of her meteoric rise. Her ethereal presence and the way she effortlessly commanded attention drew audiences from across the galaxy. With each dance, Nina wove stories of passion, mystery, and desire, leaving an indelible impression on those who witnessed her artistry. Beyond the Dance: Nina's allure extended far beyond her performances. She possessed a captivating aura that drew people to her like moths to a flame. She was known for her ability to make every individual feel seen and cherished, even in a crowd. As a result, she forged connections with patrons that went beyond the stage, creating a loyal following that adored both her art and her enigmatic personality. Mystique and Secrecy: Despite her public persona, Nina remained shrouded in an air of mystery. She seldom spoke about her personal life, leading to rumors and speculations about her origins and motivations. Some whispered that she possessed otherworldly abilities, allowing her to ensnare hearts with a mere glance or a fleeting touch. Her enigmatic aura only added to her allure, fueling the intrigue surrounding her. Rumors persist that she is not even human at all but some sort of alien shape shifter in disguise. "

"Cultural Icon: Over time, Nina became more than just a dancer; she became a cultural icon of Tronxa itself. Her image graced advertisements, holoscreens, and even fashion trends. Her influence extended beyond entertainment, inspiring artists, poets, and fashion designers to channel her elegance and sensuality into their own creations. Legacy and Continuation: As the years passed, Nina's performances evolved, incorporating technology, holography, and interactive elements that pushed the boundaries of what was possible on the stage. Despite her ever-changing routines, she retained the ability to evoke profound emotions with her movements, a testament to her timeless artistry." 
" Current Status: While Nina's ageless beauty remains, rumors persist that she is preparing for her final, grand performance—a farewell that will leave an indelible mark on Tronxa's cultural tapestry. Whether she disappears from the spotlight or chooses to embrace a new path, Nina's legacy as the enigmatic enchantress of Tronxa's pleasure realm will forever be etched into the annals of the galaxy's most alluring stories." 

Now with one NPC I can stick Nina straight into the backdrop of our Godstar/Clement sector rpg campaign without any problem & she becomes a pivotal NPC for the game campaign. The aging performer out on the frontier' is a well established tradition within Westerns and more so in 'Space Western fiction.  Nina could even be worked into our Hostile rpg game as well.  These characters become levers and pivots for the DM to move across the campaign setting without an issue. ' Personalities of the Frontiers of Space'  clocks in at forty four pages of solid NPC's with background, personality, stats, full adventure hooks, and more built in. Joseph Mohr's ' Personalities of the Frontiers of Space' . comes at a great time when within our campaign we're going to be needing more NPC's. 

' Personalities of the Frontiers of Space' . provides what it says on the can and more for almost any Cepheus Engine rpg campaign and it gives us a boat load of interesting NPC's. I could with a bit of work see using these NPC's in Stars Without Number or especially within Original Traveller quite easily. 

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