Friday, August 25, 2023

Intitial OSR Impressions & Review of Wretched Darkness Rpg Second Edition By The Red Room For The Wretchedverse rpg Campaign System.

 "This week’s release is Wretched Darkness - Second Edition. Welcome to the nightmarish realms of the Wretchedverse, where horrors lurk around every corner, and the darkness hides untold terrors. Wretched Darkness is a mature horror role-playing game where players take on the roles of anti-hero characters who must face the unknown and confront the supernatural and the paranormal head-on. It may may be played as a dark fantasy game or you can make it into an actual horror experience.

"Players can choose from several factions for their characters, some already featured in previous Wretched games, such as the Knights of Cydonnia, BurroughsTech, Araknyd Brotherhood, Daughters of Ksenia and the Warden Foundation. By default, the game is set in modern times, in urban environments, where danger lurks at every turn and death is never far away. However, you can use it to play horror games in different timelines. Combine it with Wretched Époque or Wretched Country for a 19th-century terrifying experience, pair it up with Wretched New Flesh for a near-future surrealistic horror campaign, jump into the far future by using Wretched Space, or set it in any other age." 

So Wretched Darkness Second Edition  By The Red Room is a huge expansion the original Rpg setting book for the Wretchedverse rpg system. Wretched Darkness second edition clocks in at five hundred & eighty six pages long of pure modernistic OSR horror setting rpg book.And it lives up to it the hype of the Red Room. What Wretched Darkness Second Edition  is present a whole cloth reimangining of the Wretched Darkness setting and expands upon at least more then a few of the areas that the original edition dug into. What we get is layer after layer of different types of Wretchedverse horror geared around a modern setting with solid layout, good fonts, easy to read text and a fully equiped OSR setting ready to go! 
Does Wretched Darkness live up too it's first edition promo?! 

 Now I already know that there are going  to be a ton of OSR folks who don't like the Red Room's take on Wretched Darkness. Well we're not one of those because this is a solid version of the Wretched Darkness setting that surpasses the original in many ways. We get expanded faction rules, expanded setting and more of the Beyond, new mysteries, horrors, more adventure hooks, and a solid world setting and more. 
Wretched Darkness Second Edition takes the darkness & edginess of the first edition then turns it up to eleven. This makes this a prime setting to use with Wretched Epoque & Wretched Country both in thier second edition incarnations. 
And this edition of the Wretched Darkness setting is primed for use with both Wretched Space & Wretched New Flesh. And it can easily be slipped into the back bone of Wretched Vigilantes. 

If you've been paying attention to the Red Room's run on the OSR then you know that you play the anti heroes and the monsters. Nothing has changed in Wretched Darkness and in fact the setting has intensified the darkness and conflict of the previous edition. The conflict here is right on course to deliver solid game play and really good table top horror! But is it worth the download?! 
In a word yes, the Red Room delivers the goods with a modern OSR setting with horrific extras brimming around the bowels of the Wretched Darkness Second Edition . If you love original Kult & World of Darkness without a ton of other material to bog down your games & with an OSR sensibility then Wretched Darkness Second Edition   is for you! If your looking for an adult and serious horror game then Wretched Darkness Second Edition  might be up your alley. 

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