Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Review & Commentary On Independence Games Thorpe Class Merchant Vessel By Michael Johnson For The Clement Sector Rpg

 "The Mighty Lee!

Nearly five years after the debut of the Lee-class merchant vessel, the BSI design division put a proposal to the CEO of Boone Starship Industries (BSI) that a direct competitor for the Cascadia- manufactured Atlas-class should be considered given the sales success of the Lee. It was further suggested that a design team should be tasked as soon as possible to commence work on the proposed project, requesting the CEO and the board approve the proposal and allocate funds for the design process."

"And thus, the 800-tonne Thorpe-class Merchant, known unofficially as "The Mighty Lee" was born.
The Thorpe-class Merchant contains full deckplans by author Michael Johnson for both the standard Thorpe-class Merchant and the Thorpe EC ("Extended Capacity") variant. Both are brought to you in beautiful art by fan-favorite artist Ian Stead.
Climb aboard a Thorpe-class and see why so many are trading in their Atlases for this new merchant vessel!" The Clement sector rpg & setting lives and dies on it's trade vessels! The Clement sector is vast and completely imposing with pockets of unexported blackness just around the corner. The Wild West analogy isn't far off with supply lines being the back bone of the setting. And it's the traders & trade vessels that act as the literal life line for colonies in the Black
The Thorpe Class Merchant Vessel aka 'The Mighty Lee' is an exceptional trade vessel and that's no lie. The vessel is given wall to wall detail with incredible artwork by Ian Stead, Michael Johnson, & Bradley Warnes. The layout & editing of the Thorpe Class Merchant Vessel is incredibly well done. The Thorpe fufills a role of a mid range heavy duty trade vessel for colonies opening up the space lanes. This starship fulls that role in spades and does it where few other vessels can operate! And the 'Mighty Lee' makes an excellent vessel to fly the space lanes of the Clement Sector.

Why do I like the Thorpe Class Merchant Vessel?! Because this is an adventurer's ship and one that player's PC's can trade into if thier very lucky. The Thorpe is designed to & haul good sized cargoes between colonies. And as such is the target of pirate cartels. No worries , 'The Mighty Lee' is armed for bare with
4x dual beam laser turrets, 2x dual turrets (1x missile/1x sandcaster) & (2 vacant hard points with provided fire control). This is not a ship that is going down without a fight! Add to this a solid fleet of variations of the 'Mighty Lee' & you've got a winner of a trade ship. The fact is that the Thorpe Class adds in a window of opportunity in the vast black of the Clement scector. This is a working man's starship in every sense of the word. You get a working ship that can ply the spacelanes of the Clement sector and does it with gusto and style. Thanks to Independence Games for letting me take a look at her!

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