Monday, June 3, 2024

Review & Commentary On HOSTILE Situation Report 011 - Black Moon By Paul Elliot For The Hostile Rpg


"Another routine supply drop - this time to a remote moon, site of a terraforming project. Your ship suffers some unexpected damage during landing, but the terraformers seem happy to help.

"Then the terraforming experiments seem to go wrong, and your crew are prime suspects. Why are some of the colonists behaving oddly, while others seem scared? What's going on?"

"What is the secret of the Black Moon, and can the PCs discover it before they are unable to ever step foot off at moon again?"
I've been looking to take the September group into space again. Along comes Black Moon By Paui Elliot and it couldn't come at a better time for the Hostile rpg. The September group has done secrurity on supply ships before & the adventure set up is primed for this assignment; "
The PC are a supply ship crew (with a few NPC crew onboard), landing on a dark moon that orbits a gas giant. The outpost is carrying out geothermal and geomagnetic resonance power experiments. As they land, their ship malfunctions, only a skilled pilot can avert a crash landing. Crucial electronics are fried. The terraformers explain that these geomagnetic power surges are a regular occurrence, and they use shielded electronics. They are surprised the ship was vulnerable. The PCs are welcome to use spares from Casper to fix their computer, and the engineers will gladly help out too, if needed."  Here's the thing Hostile Situation Reports often times seem to become campaign cornerstones in our games. What the situation reports do is bring an aspect of the Hostile rpg into focus and let the players play the adventures out through thier PC's. 
 Black Moon By Paui Elliot in many ways is very Lovecraftian with a lurking danger and possibly more. There's enough within the Black Moon adventure for an evening's entertainment for the Hostile rpg. However given the tight parameters of the adventure it wouldn't take much for a DM to adapt Black Moon into an adventure for the Earth & Clement Sector easily.
Paul Elliot's writing here is incredibly tight and easily adapted to other Cepheus Engine and old school 2d6 Science Fiction rpg's. My advice is to grab this one! 

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