The R'tiqurllothi
No Appearing : 1d6
Attack: Energy Weapon or 3 claws and a bite
Damage 1d2 each and 1d3
Save :F1
Move: 180'
The R'tiqurllothi appear in amazingly weird and intricate space craft armed with Macyuguaboi ray pistols of strange design. These pistols do 1d6 points of radioactive destructive damage to anything within a 20' foot radius. These beings seem to communication among themselves with tight band alien telepathic messages but the insistence among certain Red men scholars is that these things can't be trusted at all. They swarm into their tin can like ships and fly to remote and highly dangerous areas to exploit and destroy the locals in flashy and dangerous fashion. The R'tiqurllothi are a predatory and weird race of beings who operate in an alien completely alien manner destroying anything that their unseen masters wish eleminated or destroyed. Adventurers who have encountered these beings loath them with a passion because of the murders and genocide exploited by these beings. On the plus side they often have rare and valuable technological or weird resources aboard their ships indicating an other worldly force is awake and aware of these beings.
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