Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Lazhaeigu - The Succubus Of The Intervals of Oscillation For Your Old School Space Opera

File:Queen of the Night BM ME 2003-7-18.1 n02.jpg

The Lazhaeigu - The Succubus Of The Intervals of Oscillation

The Lazhaeigu exist in the infra dimensional spaces where time stands and they watch coiled upon spheres of pure planar gist. They hunger for that life which exists with each and everyone of us.
Life for they are denied the eternal spark which separates them from us.
These beings wear illusions of  pleasing flesh and non existence of guile. They are actually the fierce's  of predators waiting to strike down their prey with gossamer tendrils of planar force.
They exists within the cracks between planes waiting and waiting for adventurers, explorers and other juicy morsels. 
Surrounded by halo's of pure blue white planar infra dimensional energies these beings make promises of super science, forbidden rituals, magic, and more.
These are nothing more then whore's promises. Once summoned to the local space time continuum these beings will trick, stalk, and kill anyone foolish enough to summon them.
 They are patient hunters however and may play with their food for weeks, even months allowing the morsel to achieve their petty dreams of success. 
Modes of operation 
The Lazhaeigu are summoned by a so called "perfect circle of oscillation". A combination of forbidden geometry and  psychic mathematics of the darkest stripe. The caster creates an oscillation configuration with a combination of iron filings, blood,and planar force.
This process takes hours until with blood and tears a 
"perfect circle of oscillation" is created bridging our local space continuum with the infra dimensional oververse.
Lazhaeigu will appear at the edge of this circle in a pleasing shape and illusion of great beauty.
Promises will be made, information may be exchange but the merest misstep into the circle  and the fool is doomed.
The creature will lash out with a combination of tendrils doing 1d4 points of damage per round and the prey will brought closer to the main body where a hypnotic display of lights, color, and telepathic signals will act as a hold person spell. 
The monster will then open the lower globe of energy (actually its body) and swallow the prey whole in an unholy embrace of death and feeding. File:Plasma 1090051.JPG
The prey will take 1d8 points of damage as negative energy dances across their body and drains away their very life. Each round the prey is level drained and the thing feeds on their very soul. They twitter and laugh with glee as the soul is consumed. 
 Because of their unholy infra dimensional natures only +2 or greater weapons of super science may even harm them. Magic does affect them for some reason however. 
They communicate through telepathy and by vibrating the molecules around themselves to produce vocalizations that 3rd and 4th dimensional beings can understand. 
 These beings often lurk just outside of the local space time continuum and are called into our material universe to act as guardians in return for regular sacrifices and meals. 

"Perfect Circle of Oscillation"
File:W7AS plasma.jpg
Spell Level : 5th level Cleric/ 4th Magic User
Range: 50" circle bridging two universes 
Duration: 20 hours 
Recorded in the techical manuals of ancient alien crystal and spun glass this spell is a dangerous configuration of mathematics and alien psychic siren's song.
A combination of forbidden geometry and  psychic mathematics of the darkest stripe. The caster creates an oscillation configuration with a combination of iron filings, blood,and planar force.
This process takes hours until with blood and tears a "perfect circle of oscillation" is created bridging our local space continuum with the infra dimensional oververse.
The Lazhaeigu will answer the plea in an impressive combination of pyrotechnics and bravado. 
The summoner must make promises of sacrifice, technology, and intents as well as purpose. The Lazhaeigu can not cross into our world without a physical anchor of flesh.
The dimensional bridge will remain open for twenty hours and the local weather patterns will be disrupted for seventy two hours. 

The Lazhaeigu - The Succubus Of The Intervals of Oscillation
File:Queen of the Night BM ME 2003-7-18.1 n02.jpg
Armor Class: 7 (17) 
Hit Dice : 10 
Attacks : tendrils doing 1d4 points of damage per round
Specials: See above, Each round the prey is level drained and the thing feeds on their very soul. 
Move: 15(30 when flying or levitating)
HDE/XP: 9/1100 

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