So awhile back I worked on the Mad Sorcerer's Isle hex from the CROM THE BARBARIAN By Jothanathan Nolan For The FASERIPopedia supplement to augment and expand our Ascendant Rpg campaign. This session report picks up right from November7th on the blog.
Now the Sorcerer's Isle was originally an ancient citadel that was abandoned during Crom's early ages. This builting and it's holdings were supposedly haunted only to be taken over by a succession of sorcerer's and thier families over the generations. The place being abandoned during the last age. This place is the orgin point for at least three of our Ascendant rpg characters. The player's PC's were immediately attacked by humaniod warriors who looked rough and unfinished.
The ancient buildings were in ruins that is above ground. Below ground was an entirely another story with vast sprawling complexes and centers full of energy sources and other machinery. This is according to our own PC Livewire 'master of eletricity and magnatism' Our party came across a hidden doorway leading down into a high technological tunnel with decontamination booths. The air was pleasant and highly filtered having a highly oxigenated smell about it.
We were then attacked by soldiers who turned out to be advanced androids armed with blasters. They gave chase and we fled rather then fight. We want the citidel in decent shape so that we can figure out it's operation and more. We ended here today.
We're using Ascendant's Rogue's gallery's characters to dovetail with some of the origins of Ascendant's Rogues Gallery to Crom's world for our campaign.
Crom's world has intersected with our own timeline at various points through out history. This includes our Ascendant campaign when a time doorway allowed Charlemane's Champion to come through. And yes we totally stole him from here.
He has zero memory of how he came to the modern age. Super strong, highly resistant to damage, and yet capable of great charity. Charlemane's champion has become a valued member of our group as long as he can speak English. We taught him after saving him from a gang of super criminals who had him on ice.
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