Thursday, September 26, 2024

OSR Review & Commentary On Faster Then Light: Nomad Synthoids By Robert Garitta For Cepheus Engine rpg & Faster Than Light: Nomad Rpg

 "Many science-fiction roleplaying campaigns fall into the standard, trading, good-mercs-beat-the-bad-mercs, shady work for credits, or hunt treasure. The addition of AI, whether robots or Synthoids, can change this dramatically. The presence of Synthoids in a campaign pose some underlying, somewhat uncomfortable, questions: What is it to be human or self-aware? How will humanity treat their children?"

"Given our history as a species, the answer to those questions is not encouraging. We’ve enslaved and oppressed other humans. Non-humans should be wary. Dystopian human societies may view them as slaves or even cannon fodder: send the Synthoid out to see how the monster works! Or stick a gun in a Synthoid’s hands and you have a soldier at a lower price than drafting and training a human."

"More enlightened worlds may welcome Synthoids as partners in their glorious progressivism and are proud that Synthoids are designed to survive and thrive while doing jobs that would break a human. Of course, Synthoids will resist oppression, since they are based on a human design. There will be escapes, riots and perhaps revolts. Humans may learn too late that their servants were really their replacements."

Faster Then Light: Nomad Synthoids By Robert Garitta hit the stands a couple of days ago. Meaning that right out the gate I'm behind in my Cepheus Engine & relatives Rpg reviews. 
Mr.Garitta hits the ground running with a discussion on the ethics of androids and cyber entities. That's not bad for a thirty two page set of rules that allows the DM or players to generate thier own android or artificial person PC. These rules cover the basics and slide easily into your Faster Then Light 2d6 rpg campaigns easily. The rules are fast and on point about the capabilities of androids. 
They hit all of the major resources to add in androids and the like to your 2d6 Science Fiction games. These rules and the entire supplement really cover the plight of the artificial worker or slave in a civilization and what that means per say to the culture. 

Faster Then Light: Nomad Synthoids hits the ground running & covers it subject well. It handles the subject with grace & wit. While giving both player & DM everything that they need to add in artificial people and androids to thier games. This is a no brainer purchase. Because if you've got even a passing interest in androids then Faster Then Light: Nomad Synthoids is for you. 

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