Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Enter The Manhunter - Ascendant Rpg - Session Report

 During tonight's Ascendant rpg game things got very complicated as the player's PC's came face to face with 'The Power Company' mercenary outfit. And it was glorious! This is the first time the player's PC's came up against mercenaries and capes with an edge and in this case Manhunter of the 'The Power Company' cleaned thier clocks! The party has been messing around with the gangs and cartels within Bluddville for months. Then they crossed a pretty series PC in tonight's game. 

Manhunter doesn't have a reputation persay and so when they came across him & his mercenaries raiding one of the local gang labs. Things got ugly fast in Bludville & then got worse. The PC's made the mistake of attacking Manhunter's men and then wounding Manhunter. That did not go over well with the PC's having two of thier own wounded next melee! The PC's withdrew to lick thier wounds.

One of the wounded was Lady Elizabeth & this took out our Camelot powered knight & melee specialist for tonight's game. She healed quickly but her pride took a hit in tonight's game. Manhunter was saved by Skyrocket. But the PC's were quick to withdrawn and get back to Dreadnaught Security only to find out that they've been assigned to act as liasons with Silver Sable's Wildpack who would be running interference against some of the big guns the cartels have brought into Bludville. This all echoes off from events from Capital City Casefiles #2: Served Cold

The cartels are getting tired of having thier teeth kicked in by Dreadnaught Security operatives. They've been bringing in hired assassins and hitmen to take out the freelance operatives. The build up has been happening for months now. What happens after that is coming up. 

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