Sunday, June 2, 2024

Businesses As Usual - TRey Causey's Strange Stars & Citybook VI: Up Town From Flying Buffalo

 If you've been following our Strange Stars sessions then you know that at sometime everything is  going to go back to Circus. Circus.  With Circus I had to get a series of higher class up town sections. Fortunately, I had the answer already on my book shelf! 

Coming out in '92 Citybook VI: Up Town this is part of the iconic Cataylist series. Citybook VI: Up Town  is going to be an old part of Circus. 'The Lost Inn' is going to get a work out coming up! The idea of an inn that takes on the lost and the desparate harkens back to the 'Bygone Age' of Strange Stars. The Greenhargon's Museum is also going to be featured with the owner not knowing anything about the alien nature of the place. The museum is going to be a patron for the PC's coming up. 
Another business that's going to be making an appearance for obvius reasons is Iron Shield Financial Services. For adventurers Iron Shield is a must! And this includes space based adventures. The Age of Ravens blog has a complete review of Citybook VI: Up Town right over here

For Trey Causey's Strange Stars the businesses from Citybook VI: Uptown fit in very nicely. Given the weird and alien natures of the businesses there's some really solid businesses and NPC's to mine for games. Stars Without Number fits the 
Citybook VI: Up Town asthetic quite nicely. 

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