Monday, March 18, 2024

Pig Pen - - A Wretched Country By the Red Room & NightOwl Workshop's Gunslinger - Session Report 2

 The PC's wiped out a bunch of Orcs of the Bloody Hand tribe of pig faced Orcs. And the Orcs rooted after two dynamite bundles were pitched into thier midst. We then retreated out of Scorpion Canyon and back to town to restock & resupply. This session picks right up from here.

We began to hear the drummings of more Orcs and local indian scouts put the Bloody Hand's number at at least three hundred. Why?! Why was there a force of over three hundred Orcs moving on the town?! The Indian scouts think that this is merely a scouting & exploratory army moving in. The scouts and our ranger also think that there's at least 6 or more wizards or shamans among the Orcs.
 Bill Tenison Arizona Ranger  & his companions  made their way into the canyon again but didn't see any dimensional door or such. 
 We found two of our farmers and thier drovers pincushioned with hundreds of flint tipped arrows. The Blood Hand tribe of Orcs appears to be quite well adapted to the Old Western desert. Here I used a bunch of suggestions out of the Gunslinger rpg. 

Our posse came face to face with a group of Bloody Hand scouts being led by an Orc  shaman. Things got rather nasty as we got a huge smack down by two local spirits. These came straight out of Wretched Country rpg 

Our own Indian shamans and scouts made short work of the scouting party with little issue by sniping them from within the edges of the town.  The game can best be described as thematic at best. We slaughtered any orcs we saw and our scouts Moonface and Sunface went on the offensive. And found two half Orc assassins sculking around town. We ended here! 

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