Wednesday, October 16, 2024

OSR Review & Commentary On Subsector Sourcebook: Ashima By John Watts For The Earth Sector rpg

 "Is this where you meet your fate?

Ashima Subsector is named for a Semitic goddess of fate and, like all the subsectors in Earth Sector, the names were given long before anyone went into these areas much less settled them. However, here, the name has been rather appropriate. 

Originally, most thought that the Argentinians would end up dominating this subsector, but that was not to be.  Others thought the United States might move aggressively into the
subsector, but that never happened.  Some thought Nigeria would do the same as would Australia but, in the end, nine of the systems of Ashima Subsector would remain independent.  Argentina, the United States, Australia, and Nigeria each hold only one system while Israel, a late arrival to interstellar colonization, holds four."

"Ashima Subsector is a mix of colonies held by nation-states and independent worlds.  Often used as a gateway into the Sacrament Sector frontier, many still come to the subsector for opportunity."

"Filled with system maps, world maps, and physical data for each world, this book is a treasure trove of information for Referees who want to take their Earth Sector adventures further afield or for those who simply want a variety of worlds for their uses. Government, legal, cultural, and population details will assist the Referee in painting a picture of each world for their players.""

 Subsector Sourcebook: Ashima By John Watts For The Earth Sector rpg is the latest in the Earth sector rpg line of books. Everyone seems to forget just how cut throat the Earth sector is.  Subsector Sourcebook: Ashima does an excellent job of reminding the player's PC's just how cut throat and dire the colonial process is. Earth sector unlike other colonial entities is a combination of nation states supported by mega corporations for thier colonies. This creates deadly competition and sometimes outright warfare among these entities. 

 Subsector Sourcebook: Ashima has some great power plays between Isreal,  Argentina, the United States, Australia, and Nigeria colonies. These colonial worlds are varied and very well done. The writing of John Watts is tight and well done. We get a snap shot of each and every world along with it's meshing of the interstellar politics. These politics overlap and influence the Earth sector as well because it takes a lot of cash to support these colonies. 

This presents plenty of opportunities for spacers and adventurers to take full advantage of these colonies for shipping of passengers, gear, food, equipment, and more. There's plenty of trouble to be had as well because these worlds are highly dangerous and full of trouble. 
Is  Subsector Sourcebook: Ashima By John Watts worth getting?! In a word,' Oh yes!' especially if your into the Earth sector like myself. This Subsector sourcebook brings a lot to the table with plenty of new colonial worlds, factions, and opportunties for adventures. At one hundred and twenty three pages it doesn't overstate it's contents and brings fresh Earth sector goodness to the table top of a 2d6 

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