Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Everything In World War Two & Your Mother - The Free Marvel Super Heroes rpg Netbook Adventure 'In The Shadows of Evil'- The Demon of White Chapel Part I

 There are times where you really don't want to mess around with the forces of evil! And in tonight's Marvel Super Heroes Rpg adventure that's exactly what happened! Tonight's adventure had the player's PC's picking right up from last week's  game session  right after the PC's recovered the Jewel of Ozymandias. This came at great personal expense as two PC's ended up in hospital. The PC's did manage to complete the first leg of thier mission but now it was back to White Chapel district of London. 

The party was off to the White Chapel section after a gristly series of murders & they stumble across the occult bookshop Panpipes &  the proprietor of Panpipes, Edward Wingate. Mr. Wingate specializes in Jack the Ripper brick- a - brack. But the book store is really devoted to the occult in all it's sorted aspects. He knew all of the legends of the occult items of power that the PC's seek & he also knew of a recent inmate who claims to be Jack the Ripper himself. Mr Wingate set up the inmate's backstory himself; "“There’s a fella now, though, that came out of nowhere claiming to be old man Jack. There have been confessions all over the place for decades, but none have held up. But this fella, if the stories are to be believed, knows things that even the most astute followers of the murders wouldn’t know. There are still secrets that only a select few know, and this crazy bastard knows them all." 
Of course the heroes wanted to meet this inmate! 
“They have him holed up right now in the Catholic home for the Insane, St. Michael’s Asylum down on Montague Street.”Of course the party wants to interview 'Saucy Jack ' and they have no idea it's actually the demon Pazuzu! We ended here as they took a long time speaking with  Mr Wingate about Jack The Ripper & the items of occult power they were seeking. 

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