Wednesday, May 29, 2024

OSR Commentary - The Ascendant Rpg, FASERIPopedia's Crom , & the Unofficial Marvel Superheroes Cannon Project's Marvelous Myths & Monsters volume 6 The Otherworld By Andrew Goldstein

 So let's pick it up with our current Ascendant rpg campaign & Ginger aka The Pink Fey & her PC's connection to the Marvel  Otherworld. here on the blog.  Going through my older campaign notes I noticed that there was mention of  FASERIPODIA's Crom supplement. 

So what is Crom?! Well it's FASERIPopedia game's Sword & Sorcery supplement mixed with a healthy dose of Saturday morning cartoons of the Lords of Light variety. 
Last time we talked about mixing in the Camelot rpg supplement for FASERIpodedia's into 
the Unofficial Marvel Superheroes Cannon Project's Marvelous Myths & Monsters volume 6 The Otherworld By Andrew Goldstein  as a part of the Ascendant campaign setting to back up the Pink Fey's origin.
Me being the terrorist dungeon master wants to fade back into our Crom notes for our Ascendant campaign. Crom has more of a Thundarr meets He Man meets Marvel Super Heroes rpg feel to it. 
Camelot in our game touches several legendary locations in England and Wales. These locations also overlap into the Sword and Sorcery post apocalypstic world. And there may be more going on here with other hero's origins in our campaign then at first meets the eye. 
Crom has a ton of interesting details and bylines within it that crosses into the gonzo post apocalyptic asthetic of classic Bronze age Marvel style comic books. Crom's world is deadly and more then a match for several of the knight style super heroes we had last campaign. 
There are several meet points within Crom and The Otherworld supplement. This folds in nicely for our campaigns and it's going to be matter of deciding how deeply we want to go into the gonzo. 

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