Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Playing For Keeps - 'A Shadowed House' By Paul W. Ehrlich A Pay What You Want Adventure & Nightshift Veterans of the Supernatural Wars Game - Session Two

"The thing's breath overwhelms your senses as you run blindly through the forest. Suddenly, a house appears out of the rain, its door open like a gaping maw. Gratefully, you enter and the door slams shut behind you.""You may have survived the forest. But can you survive A Shadowed House? "

Tonight's session picks up with the action right from here and t
his adventure came into DM Steve's possession after a recommendation by me to watch RPG Overview's Review of A Shadowed House.  

 Charging back up from the basement we ended up coming face to face with some of the other ghostly horrors of  A Shadowed House. Our other resident vampire ended up getting impaled with knives, forks, etc. in the kitchen as the haunted house and it's undead residents made mincemeat out of our vampire. A quick turning to mist and some regenerating made our other vampire Vincent Velcro good as new. 
The house had other plans however as one room became a literal whirlwind of terror slicing up my werewolf character Marco like meatloaf. The house did not like our group there and wanted us out. It literally told us so with debris forming the words out!
We were in no mood to put up with the house and it's ghostly inhabitants and were there to save the neighborhood kids who had gone missing. That's when our psychic Claire (Marty our psychic play is playing clones of Claire Voyant an obscure 1940's comic book character of various types in all of our OSR game campaigns). Focused in on the kids in the back bed room. 

So putting up with a bunch of bleeding walls and the house itself trying to make psychic attacks on us. We made our way to bed room and then had to face down one of the houses other inhabitants. She made our life a bit a living Hell but our 'Chosen One' Mickey got into it hot and heavy with the ghost. And managed to banish her for a bit. This allowed us to get the kids out and we ran from the house. We're not done with the house. Just before we left the house attacked our other psychic! The Wickham house was playing for keeps as our psychic was once again attacked. Maggie The All Seeing managed to make her save and really did not like this place one bit. 
We got out of the Wickham house and are regrouping but going back tomorrow night. We've got a vendetta with this place to settle. 

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