"Clash of Steel is a dark fantasy rules set, for solo and table-top play, that evokes the grim sword and sorcery tales of Robert E. Howard, Michael Moorcock and Clark Ashton Smith. Magic is dangerous and dark, and corrupt and decadent empires struggle to retain their hold on vassal states and tribes. You play as anti-heroes, that are just as likely to rob travellers as to rescue them, they have a chequered past and seek out their own fortune or fame in a savage and uncaring world."
Clash of Steel is a new 2D6 based, with a 10+ to succeed in any task Sword & Sorcery rpg. The Clash of Steel rpg system game has expanded in into a whole cloth Sword & Sorcery system. Clocking in at more then 200 pages this game hits the high marks for tapping deeply into the dark fantasy literature vein. Clash of Steel By Paul Elliot is very well done. This rpg has a very well laid out system, easy to read fonts, and professionally done book.
This is a game that delves deeply into dark region of the genre by giving the DM & the players a fast and gritty character generation. The magic system is a fast, intuitive, and highly quick 2d6 system. The magic system is powered by demons. This makes magic a very shaky business.
The combat system is brutal and highly dangerous indicative of the Sword & Sorcery genre. Why? Because of the fact that PC's can roll over thier actions in combat; 'Successful attacks can be ‘held-over’ to create more serious injuries in later rounds.' Even the monsters are quick and easy with one line stat blocks so that you as the DM can add them into your adventures quickly.
Clash of Steel does something that other rpg's including the world's most popular fantasy rpg. What Clash of Steel does is too bring both solo and group play into a quick & solid rpg system. And what we get is an engine for Sword & Sorcery adventure right outta of the box.
The game is one that puts the DM & the players within an adventure game that is geared around both solo play. This means the player can take a PC and become engrained into a world of Sword & Sorcery. Other players are not needed! But bringing them on board & you've got a campaign that could last for many years to come.
Clash of Steel is a solid Sword & Sorcery rpg & powerful engine for a dark fantasy rpg adventure. Grab this one because Paul Elliot has out done himself on this one. As a Sword & Sorcery rpg Clash of Steel is solid!