Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Intergang Break Out! -- Ascendant Rpg - Session Report

  This session picks right up after a few days have passed and Lady Elizabeth has healed up in Medical. The cartels have invested in bringing a specialist assassin group in the form of Intergang's Super Human divsion's operatives. Intergang decided to bring in thier latest power armor to do a bit of 'shopping' by robbing several of the local credit unions. 
Bludville isn't as important as Metropolis but it's got a lower finiancial profile then the cutting edge cities such as Metropolis or the waning popularity of New York City's Gothem city within a city profile. There was something being stored in one of the banks that Intergang were knocking over. This is when Silver Sable's Wildpack stepped in. The PC's backed off the Wildpack as this was thier collar. 

Intergang has completely gone off the reservation and came up against Silver Sable's Wildpack in tonight's game session. The PC's were minimizing the collateral damage to thier city as power armored Intergang operatives took out the vault. 
The PC's went full tilt against the Intergang operatives and didn't hold back. They took the fight into an abandoned neighborhood that was due for demolition. The crew took down two buildings on the Intergang operatives. Trapping them for Dreadnaught Security to pick up later on. 
This all echoes off from events from Capital City Casefiles #2: Served Cold

This is when Intergang's hitmen closed in with Apocalpyse precision sniper blasters and almost picked off two of our party! They managed to avoid the blasts and then had the ruins around them dumped on thier heads. Here's were we stopped! 

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