Thursday, August 22, 2024

Project Broken Hands - A Cepheus Universal & Independence Games's Rider rpg Crossover Campaign Set Up

 So over the weekend I pulled out Cepheus Univeral & began working on a one way time travel campaign. So I've been rereading the massive Cepheus Univeral book. 

I've been doing research into the Cepheus Univeral rpg because I'm getting ready to run a Rider crossover. The idea here is that the Knight Foundation is contacted by the CIA, an agent of thiers has gone rogue & broken onto Top Secret  'Project Broken Hands'. This is a location in the California desert where back in the Forties a UFO crashed. Since then the abandoned highway that used to connect to Route 66 randomly hyperspacial warps across space and time. 
Agent Thomas Fortuna has gone back to November 5th 1877 California & the hyperspacial doorway is only open for a limited time. Getting back could be problematic for the time who is equipped with machines modified for extreme off roading. Fortuna is a time paradox waiting to happen. 

For Project Broken Hands I'm going to be using Rider's New Liberty as the adventure location with the player's PC's getting in way over thier heads as they search for Fortuna. But the twist is that Fortuna is not alone! He's brought some friends to play in 1877!  Twist two is that a gang of outlaws gets ahold of 2024 technology and firearms. The players will have thier work cut out for them. 

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